Note from the Editors
Dear Readers,
Hello and welcome to the third issue of the MediSphere Journal! As always, we hope you enjoy reading the wide range of articles we and our writers have prepared for you. Reading and Kendrick School never fail to deliver high quality pieces of writing and this issue is no different: from the upcoming developments in brain therapy to the more traditional ideas of herbal medicine. Us editors have certainly enjoyed reading every article in this issue, and so we hope that you too will find something that fuels your interest in medicine!
However this just would not be possible with us alone, and the Editorial Team would like to give a huge thank you to all the writers who put in time and effort to submit incredible articles, all of our staff who continually support us and our project, and of course you as a reader, for showing your interest in what we do!
Hope to see you all at the next one,
The Editorial Team